Carrie sat alone in her office - no, her father's office - going over paperwork. It was well past six o'clock, and she had been here since before seven that morning. If this was what her life as CEO of Foster Aircraft was going to entail, she wasn't sure it was something she wanted to do permanently. The bright side of it all was that her father was feeling better and that she would be able to get back to her life in Boston before the week was over.
She missed Boston. She missed her job and her co-workers, but the strangest thing was how much she found herself missing one Kal Roderick. Things had been strained between them for a while now. Carrie didn't quite know or understand what she was feeling for him, but part of her knew that she cared. She was good at feeling things, but expressing them? That was a different story entirely, at least in this case. Things had between going well with both him and Yvie, but something had changed, something she couldn't quite place, and her feelings on their arrangement had changed entirely. She had distanced herself from both of them, her best friend and... whatever Kal actually was to her. Boyfriend wasn't appropriate, unless it could be used in the "we're friends but he's a boy" way, and even that was questionable. She knew she had screwed up (even if she couldn't quite remember how or why she felt the way she did). Carrie had somehow managed to push the two people that made her feel happy away, and part of her wanted to stay in San Diego and avoid ever confronting it. Drowning herself in paperwork, as tedious and boring as it was, distracted her from the pain she was feeling regarding her failure with Kal. She had faith that her friendship with Yvonne would mend itself. They had known one another for nearly ten years, and that kind of history was hard to forget. Kal, though, their friendship was a lot newer. They hadn't even gotten along at first, but, once again, that was Carrie's fault for assuming him to be a handsome idiot (which was true, but at least he wasn't a complete jackass all of the time). Her thoughts were pulled from her as she heard the door starting to creak open. She could've sworn she was the only person in the building, but then she remembered this was about the time that the cleaning staff came in to do their jobs. Only the person who entered her office wasn't from the cleaning company. Carrie had to blink a few times to pull herself out of the illusion that he wasn't really there. "Hey," Kal said, as if they hadn't been apart for the past two weeks, and Carrie couldn't help but smile as she stood up. "What are you doing here?" It was a genuine concern, as she didn't actually remember telling him what she was really doing here, but, the truth was, she didn't actually care how he had found her. Something was pulling her to him, something she couldn't quite explain, and, before she knew it, her arms were around his neck. Had she really missed him this much? Possibly, but something in Carrie's heart told her that this was beyond that. "Don't answer that," she added just before she stopped him from talking by pressing her lips to his. Whatever had come over her, whatever invisible force was pulling her to him, she didn't care. Carrie had missed him more than she would ever admit to him or even herself. Kal had come all of this way for something, maybe even her, and, the way she saw it, they had a lot of making up for their past mistakes to do. |